Custom elements
Insert a custom button in your onleetable.
ONLEETABLEBUTTON(url, [label],[width],[color])
url - The full url of the page to open, must be a full https url not a reference to another cell.
label - [ OPTIONAL - "View" by default ] - The text to display in the button.
If not specified we apply a default "View" value.
width - [ OPTIONAL - "50%" by default ] - Width of the button, can be a % or px value.
Better to use % value to adapt better on screen.
color - [ OPTIONAL - "#2f2f2f" by default ] - Color of the button.
The text color of label will be adjust between black and white to fit the background color better contrast.
Sample Usage
Standard : onleetablebutton("","Access","50%","#22cece')
With concatenate : ="onleetablebutton('"&J1&"','Access','50%','#22cece')"