Format columns

Section "Columns format" of onleetable allow you to define specific format for your column and with dynamic attribut you can customize rendering.


Display your link sin onleetable


url, [anchor]

  • url - The full url of the page to open, must be a full https url not a reference to another cell.

  • anchor - [ OPTIONAL - "Link" by default ] - The anchor of the hyperlink text.

    • If not specified we apply a default "Link" value.

Sample Usage

In Google Sheets

In onleetable


Display your pictures in onleetable


url, [alignment]

  • url - The public url of your image.

  • alignment - [ OPTIONAL - "center" by default ] - Select how your picture will be aligned in the row.

    • If not specified we apply a default "center" value.

    • Accepted values are : left, center, right

Sample Usage

In Google Sheets

In onleetable


Display your pictures in onleetable


url, [label],[width],[color])

  • url - The full url of the page to open, must be a full https url not a reference to another cell.

  • label - [ OPTIONAL - "OPEN" by default ] - The text to display in the button.

    • If not specified we apply a default "OPEN" value.

  • width - [ OPTIONAL - "100%" by default ] - Width of the button, can be a % or px value.

    • If not specified we apply a default "100%" value.

    • Better to use % value to adapt better on screen.

  • color - [ OPTIONAL - "#2f2f2f" by default ] - Color of the button.

    • If not specified we apply a default "#2f2f2f" value.

    • The text color of label will be adjust between black and white to fit the background color better contrast.

Sample Usage

In Google Sheets

In onleetable

In the first example we don't define specific parameters so the button is rendered with defualt valuer.

In the last example we did not define a size so the default 100% has been applied.